Board members:
Co-President: Deborah Long-Smith
Co-President: Bobbie Stave
Vice President: Kim Espinosa
Treasurer: Lillian Shepard
Secretary: Victoria Todesco
Past President: Katherine Minor
Standing Committee Chairs:
Archives / Publicity: Julie Fergus
Beautification: Martie Lincoln
By-Laws / Nominating: Katherine Minor
Community Projects: Nancy Saltmarsh
Special Media / Newsletter: Bobbie Stave
Finance: Lilian Shepard
Hospitality Co-Chairs: Sue Stadtfeld & Linda Baker
Membership / Yearbook: Shelly McGee
Programs: Sandy Lowe & Linda Siracusa
Scholarship: Margaret Connor
1. Take Board Meeting minutes; this includes special meetings called by the President.
2. Send copy of minutes by e-mail to President; she will check for errors/omissions.
3. Upon approval by President, the minutes will then be sent via e-mail to the Board of Directors.
4. Take a few copies to the next Board meeting, in case someone did not receive a copy.
5. Take minutes at General Meetings if any business is conducted or votes taken by general membership.
6. Send get well and sympathy cards to members.
1. General information:
a. Fiscal Year is July 1 – June 30.
b. Mailing address is PO Box 1786, Wolfeboro NH 03894
i. Communications/Newsletter Chair has the key.
c. WGC is 501.c4 exempt from Federal Income Tax. Donors may not
deduct contributions on their taxes.
2. Checking account is at People’s Bank
a. Make deposits and pay bills as needed
b. Reconcile bank balance monthly.
3. Collect and record annual dues
a. Work with Membership Chair
b. Review current member file to determine any member qualifying for
Life Membership (30+ years in WGC)
c. Receive and record dues. Deposit after July 1.
d. Maintain list of members to share with Membership Chair.
4. Budget
a. Prepare proposed budget
i. Request projections from committee chairs
ii. Present to Board in April and send to Communications/Newsletter
Chair for inclusion in April newsletter
iii. Present to membership at Annual Meeting in May
5. Reports
a. Treasurer’s Report monthly for Board and General Meeting
b. Actual vs Budget by chart of accounts for Board
c. Government reports
i. IRS – 990N yearly by Sept. 15
1. No notice will be sent
2. There is no fee
ii. NH Department of Justice
1. Forms will be sent to PO Box
2. Due Nov. 15 annually
3. $75 fee
iii. NH Department of State
1. Forms will be sent to PO Box
2. Due every 5 years; next will be 2025
3. $25 fee
1. Oversee the Wolfeboro Garden Club gardens:
2. Attend Board Meetings. Report on progress of gardens, issues needing attention by Board or needing Board approval/vote.
One month prior to a WGC meeting:
Each Month:
One Week After the Monthly Meeting:
Throughout the Season:
End of Season:
Wreath Project: The Community Services Chair is in charge of overseeing the delivery of wreaths to the town and other non-profit partners. Additional written information is available for this task.
Centerpieces for Hospice: At the December general meeting, members volunteer to make centerpieces for Hospice. Sometime in November, the Community Services Chair should call Central NH VNA & Hospice at 569-2729 to determine how many centerpieces are needed. The day before the December meeting, member volunteers meet at the church to prepare the centerpiece containers. After the meetings, the centerpieces are delivered to Hospice.
Poinsettias for Mountain View Nursing Home: The WGC donates small poinsettia plants to the nursing home in December.
Festival of Trees: The WGC participates in the annual Festival of Trees held at the Wright Museum in early December. The Community Services Chair is responsible for sending in the registration form along with the registration fee for this event, due sometime in the first week of October. The Chair is also responsible for finding volunteers to set up the tree, decorate it and take it down. The Chair/volunteers need to decide on a theme and supply the decorations for the tree. (Currently, the tree is housed at Inger Woerheide’s house.)
Tree of Memories: Attend the Tree of Memories service to commemorate WGC members who have passed in the course of the year.
The By-Laws may be amended at any meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, provided the proposed amendment has been approved by the Board of Directors and submitted in writing to the members at least thirty days prior to the date of said meeting.
The Wolfeboro Garden Club Ways & Means Committee is responsible for managing the club’s holiday wreath project, the group's largest fundraiser of the year.
Overall Responsibilities for Wreath Project Co-chairs:
• Determine the approach and goals for the year’s project
• Order supplies
• Recruit sales team members, and bow makers
• Procure a facility to assemble wreaths for sales
• Obtain a facility to sell the wreaths, if doing community sales approach
• Order and accept delivery of wreaths
• Track sales in a customized Excel spreadsheet
• Maintain open communications with Treasurer regarding the finances
• Compose and submit articles for the monthly newsletter
• Print Thank You cards to attach to wreaths before delivery
• Debrief and write thank you notes to volunteers
Wreath Tasks Timeline
Late Summer
• Update and prepare sales materials and route sheets
• Make ribbon sample cards for sales people
• Schedule meeting for Sales Team members to discuss the project for the year, hand out sales route sheets, run through timeline, and highlight any changes from the previous year.
After Labor Day
• Kick off the sales effort, with Sales Teams members visiting local businesses
• Members can begin selling to friends, family and neighbors
• Announce the start of wreath sales in local newspapers to build interest and boost sales
September - October
• Collect and enter wreath sales orders from Sales Team members on an ongoing basis
• Give receipts to treasurer for deposit on a weekly basis
• Provide regular updates to bow-makers so they can manage bow production
• Recruit volunteers to help with assembly and delivery for November
• Promote wreath sales at monthly club meetings and through the newsletter
• Provide sales updates for board at monthly meetings
• Order wreaths following vendors deadline. Determine if extra wreaths can be ordered at a later date 2
Mid-October to Mid-November
• Ensure that bow-makers are on track with production
• Prepare individual bow labels for use in wreath order assembly
• Create wreath thank you tags
• Visit greenhouse to finalize preparations
• Schedule volunteers
Late November – Delivery
• Prepare greenhouse for assembly work, ensuring there are proper work areas, appropriate signage, supplies and refreshments
• Confirm delivery details with wreath vendor
• Accept delivery of wreaths, verify that the delivered number of wreaths is correct
December - January
• Tracking any unpaid orders
• Follow up on any loose ends
• Send thank you notes to volunteers
• Debrief and gather suggestions for the following year
The purpose of scholarships given by the WGC is to further students of environmental sciences, horticulture, botany, conservation, plant sciences, landscaping and technology programs associated with supporting these studies.
Scholarships are awarded, on the basis of merit and need, to graduating high school students, home schooled or college students residing in Brookfield, Effingham, New Durham, Ossipee, Tuftonboro or Wolfeboro. A grade point average of 3.0 is required; exception is made for Lakes Region Technical Center where GPA of at least 2.5 required.
Kingswood Regional High School – Lara M. Crane, MSW, School Counselor Lakes Region Technical School – Bruce Farr, Principal
Brewster Academy –Timothy Cushing, Dean of College Counseling; (Day students who are qualified residents)
Granite State News -
Committee Responsibilities:
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